CompSci Blogs

August 2023 to June 2024

View the Project on GitHub sfremy/csablog

30 October 2023

Personal Project - Asteroid Generator


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import halfnorm
from scipy.stats import skewnorm

This work-in-progress code is an experiment in writing data to a text file with Python. I was trying to generate a few thousand asteroids in the planetarium program SpaceEngine for a lesson in my personal astronomy class. The reason for this relatively complex code is to ensure that asteroid distributions are accurate to reality while allowing each asteroid to be scripted properly. However, it was not completed before the end of T1.

The script format we need to generate is:

[Object_Type] "Object Name"


ParentBody "Parent Body Name"

Class "Object Class"

Mass [Object Mass]



PeriodDays [Period of orbit in days]

SemiMajorAxisKm [Semimajor Axis in km]

Eccentricity [Eccentricity of the orbit]

Inclination [Inclination of the orbit]



def gen_asteroids(txtname, base_data):

  #Needed functionality
  #Some objects are replaced by asteroid families with shared orbital parameters, spread is controlled by a time-variant parameter
  #Objects in a main-belt population avoid unstable resonances
  #Objects have pi < 1 so they do not clear their orbits
  #Belts/minor moons do not approach major planets/moons within specified limits
  #eccentricity and inclination occupy normal distributions around specified centres

  obj_dict = {"mass":[], "parent":[], "sma":[], "period":[], "e":[], "i":[]}

  for index, row in base_data.iterrows():
      n_present = 0
      #Count number of objects created to date
      while n_present < row["num"]:
        group_attempt = np.random.uniform(0,1)

        #Generating asteroid families (Multiple related objects) if probability is exceeded
        if group_attempt < row["groupfrac"]:
          group_num = skewnorm.rvs() #WIP - Add skew normal distribution of group sizes
          i = 0
          while i < group_num:
            #WIP - Verify every asteroid in the group using mode and sma_gen
            n_present += 1

        #Generate ONE asteroid
          #Randomly draw samples from various scipy data distributions (half normal, skewed) with the passed parameters
          e_instance = halfnorm.rvs(loc=row['e_center'], scale=row['e_rad'], size=1)[0]
          i_instance = np.random.normal(row['i_center'], row['i_rad'])
          mass_instance = skewnorm.rvs(scale=row['mass_skew'], size=1)[0] * row['mass_center']
          #WIP - verify with sma_gen

          #Adds reported parameters to the obj_dict dictionary

          #Increases asteroid count by 1
          n_present += 1

  return obj_dict

def sma_gen(mode, parentmass, e_inst, in_mass=None, out_mass=None, inlim=None, outlim=None, in_apo=None, out_peri=None, in_tol=None, out_tol=None,
               in_res=None, out_res=None, res_arr=None):
  if mode == 'main':
    sma_instance = np.random.uniform(in_apo, out_peri)
    #Check for stability with this formula
    if (sma_instance*(1-e_inst) - in_apo) / ((in_apo+sma_instance)/2 * (in_mass/(3*parentmass))**(1/3)) <= in_tol:
      return sma_instance, p_instance
  if mode == 'res':
    for resonance in res_arr:
        sma_instance = resonance
    #WIP - Ensure falls in resonance
    return sma_instance, p_instance
    #WIP - Return parameters straight since stability is guaranteed
  if mode == 'trans':
    sma_instance = np.random.uniform(inlim, outlim)
    p_instance = 2 * np.pi * (sma_instance**3 / parentmass / 6.674E-11)**0.5
    #WIP - somewhat closer to the stability limits
    return sma_instance, p_instance
  if mode == 'irr':
    #Unstable objects which are just totally random
    sma_instance = np.random.uniform(in_apo, outlim)

    return sma_instance, p_instance
# A sample test dictionary with needed parameters
objstatstest = {

    #Base properties (kg)
    "mode":['main'], #Modes 'main', 'trans', 'irr'

    #Limit properties (kg, m)

os_format = pd.DataFrame(data=objstatstest)

August 20 Prototype

This earlier functional model did not attempt to account for the various peculiarities of asteroid distribution but successfully wrote a script for a given number of asteroids.

def gen_asteroids(txtname, num, parentname, parentmass,
                  limit_low, limit_high,
                  objtype, e_range, i_range, masscenter):
    with open(f"{txtname}.txt", mode="wt") as f:
        j = 1
        while j <num:
            #Generate parameters within passed limits using numpy
            sma = np.random.uniform(low=limit_low,high=limit_high)
            e = np.random.uniform(low=0.0,high=e_range)
            i = np.random.uniform(low=-i_range,high=i_range)
            mass = np.random.normal(loc=masscenter)

            if mass/(parentmass/1.9885E+30)**2.5/(sma/149600000)**1.125 * 807 < 1:
                #Write the script into file {textname}.txt with the generated parameters
                f.write(f"{objtype} \"RA_{parentname}_{j}\"\n")
                f.write(f"ParentBody \"{parentname}\"\n")
                f.write(f"Class \"Asteroid\"\n")
                f.write(f"Mass {mass}\n")
                f.write(f"PeriodDays {(4*np.pi**2*(sma*1000)**3 / (6.67408E-11*(parentmass)))**0.5 / 86400}\n")
                f.write(f"SemiMajorAxisKm {sma}\n")
                f.write(f"Eccentricity {e}\n")
                f.write(f"Inclination {i}\n")

                j += 1